The DFSA has by letter of 31 October 2023 instructed the Fund to continue collecting contributions fixed at DKK 30 per insured under an industrial injury insurance and to continue collecting contributions fixed at DKK 40 per policy in 2024 for the following insurances:
- Familieforsikringer (household contents insurance)
- Husejerforsikringer (property insurance)
- Sundhedsforsikringer (health insurance)
- Ejerskifteforsikringer(latent defect insurance - change-of-ownership)
- Sælgeransvarsforsikring (property sellers liability insurance) and
- Byggeskadeforsikringer (structural warranty insurance – new build)
Motor comprehensive insurance that insurance companies have written or renewed in Denmark for risks in Denmark from 1 of January 2024, must collect DKK 0 per policy.
The reason is that the DIRECTIVE (EU) 2021/2118 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 24 November 2021 entails that only accidental damage insurance will be part of the consumer insurance category, while motor liability insurance will have its own category in the Fund. The DFSA expects to resume the collection of contributions to the Fund in the categories motor liability insurance and accidental damage insurance from 2025.
As for the reason for collecting DKK 40 per consumer insurance policy and other similar insurance policies, the DFSA refers to the Fund’s annual report for 2022 that states the Fund’s capital as of the 31 December 2022 has a negative value of DKK 253 million regarding the share of the Fund’s capital relating to consumer insurances and similar insurances.
As for the reason for collecting DKK 30 per insured under an industrial injury insurance policy, the DFSA refers to the Fund’s annual report for 2022 that states the Fund’s capital as of the 31 December 2022 has a negative value of DKK 239 million regarding the share of the Fund’s capital relating to industrial injury insurances.
The reporting of insurance policies for Q1 2024 must be concluded in the Fund’s system latest by 30 of April 2024 and (possible) payment of contributions to the Fund latest by 1 of May 2024.