The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (DFSA) has on the 31 of October 2022 instructed the Danish Guarantee Fund for Non-life Insurers (The Fund) to collect contributions from members of the Fund, who writes or renew consumer insurances in Denmark, in order to re-establish the Fund’s capital of DKK 300 mio. The capital of DKK 300 mio. must cover the Fund's obligations in relation to consumer insurances and equivalent insurances.
In 2023 the contribution is still fixed at DKK 40 per policy within the following consumer insurance policies taken out in Denmark with risks in Denmark:
- Motorforsikringer (motor liability insurance)
- Familieforsikringer (household contents insurance)
- Husejerforsikringer (property insurance)
- Sundhedsforsikringer (health insurance)
- Ejerskifteforsikringer(latent defect insurance - change-of-ownership)
- Sælgeransvarsforsikring (property sellers liability insurance) and
- Byggeskadeforsikringer (structural warranty insurance – new build)
The Guarantee Fund also covers industrial injury insurance in the event a non-life insurance company has its license to write industrial injury insurance business revoked. In order to establish the required capital of DKK 200 mio. as stated in Act of The Guarantee Fund for Non-life Insurers, the Fund continues to collect a contribution fixed at DKK 30 per insured under an industrial injury insurance police written or renewed in 2023.