The contributions on motor liability insurance written in Denmark will cease on 23 December 2023.
After the 23 December 2023, the Danish Guarantee Fund for Non-Life Insurers is no longer allowed to require contributions on motor liability insurance written in Denmark by foreign insurance companies. That means insurance companies with their head office in the EU/EEA that are registered to carry out insurance business in Denmark by establishment of a branch or by freedom to provide services.
The obligation to pay contributions on motor insurance for these foreign insurance companies therefore ends on 23 December 2023, and in regard to motor liability insurance policies will not be subject to a contribution thereafter.
The last reporting by foreign insurance companies with their head office in the EU/EEA that are registered to carry on insurance business in Denmark by establishment of a branch or by freedom to provide services, concerns Q4 until 23 December 2023 and must be submitted to the Guarantee Fund in the period of 1 January - 31 January 2024 with a deadline for payment of contributions on 1 February 2024.
In 2025 the contribution on motor insurance might be resumed, possibly as a contribution on accidental damage.